In the Far East, for thousands of years, masters have transformed simple activities into paths of inner development. In this way, simple flower arrangements became “the art of Ikebana”; drinking tea became “the tea ceremony”; confrontations inspired the different martial arts; and even simple walking turned to be “the Zen walk”.
Ordinary activities were used as means of meditation and real paths toward ourselves, toward our inner reality. Prabhuji is a philatelist as well as a renowned writer, painter, Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava mystic, avadhūta, and realized spiritual master. He has used philately since childhood in an organic and natural way as a means of inner evolution. The essence and foundation of both philately and meditation is observation. Meditative philately is a method, or a set of techniques, created and developed in order to promote concentration, observation and, finally, an expansion at the level of consciousness. Just as a mantra serves as a sound support for the mind, the stamp fulfills similar functions at the visual level being a small paper mandala.
To know more about Prabhuji, his writings, lectures paintings and more, visit his personalwebsite:
Philatelic Memberships:
Royal Philatelic Society London
American Philatelic Society
United States Stamp Society
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society
Great Britain Philatelic Society
National Philatelic Society UK
Society of Israel Philatelists
Society for Hungarian Philately
FILABRAS – Associação dos Filatelistas Brasileiros
Fort Orange Stamp Club of Albany, New York, USA.