World War II

World War II (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. A state of total war emerged, directly involving more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. The major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, marked by 50 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. It included massacres, the genocide of the Holocaust, strategic bombing, premeditated death from starvation and disease, and the only use of nuclear weapons in war.

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Leaders World War II Germany Adolf Hitler Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Adolf Hitler Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Stalin Imperforated Sov. Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Stalin Imperforated Sov. Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH The Battle...
Benin Kursk Battle Gueorgui Joukov Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Benin Kursk Battle Gueorgui Joukov Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH The Battle of Kursk was...
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Military Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH The...
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Hitler Souvenir Sheet of 2
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH he...
Leaders World War II Germany Hermann Goring Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Hermann Goring Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Leaders World War II Germany Heinrich Himmler Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Heinrich Himmler Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Leaders World War II Germany Karl Donitz Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Karl Donitz Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Leaders World War II Germany Albert Speer Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Albert Speer Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Leaders World War II Germany Erich Von Mans-tein Sov. Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Erich Von Manstein Sov. Sheet Mint NH World War II...
Leaders World War II Germany Joseph Goebbels Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Joseph Goebbels Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Leaders World War II Germany Wilhelm Keitel Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Wilhelm Keitel Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Madagaskar Kursk Battle Staline Hitler Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Madagaskar Kursk Battle Staline Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH The Battle of Kursk was a...
Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 8 Stamps Mint NH
Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 8 Stamps Mint NH The Battle of...
Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH
Chad Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH The Battle...
Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Chad Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet Mint NH The Battle of Kursk was...
Madagaskar Kursk Battle Military Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH
Madagaskar Kursk Battle Military Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH The Battle of...
Benin Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Imperforated Sov. Sheet of 6 Stamps
Benin Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Imperforated Sov. Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH The...
Kursk Battle Military Tank Airplane Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps
Chad Kursk Battle Military Tank Airplane Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH The...
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Semion Timochenko Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Semion Timochenko Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II...
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Guerorgui Malenkov Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Guerorgui Malenkov Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II...
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Lavrenti Beria Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Lavrenti Beria Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II...
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Andrei Jdanov Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Leaders World War II Germany Andrei Jdanov Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Tank 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 4 St
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Tank 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps Mint NH...
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 8 Stamps Mint NH
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 8 Stamps Mint NH The Battle of...
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH
Chad Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps Mint NH The Battle...
Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Chad Kursk Battle 70th Anniversary Military Souvenir Sheet Mint NH The Battle of Kursk was...
Moscow Battle Ivan Pantilov Military Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH
Chad Moscow Battle Ivan Pantilov Military Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH The Battle...
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps
Cote D'Ivoire Kursk Battle Military Tank Imperforated Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps Mint NH The...
Moscow Battle Zoya Kosmodemianskaia Heroe Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps MNH
Moscow Battle Zoya Kosmodemianskaia Heroe Souvenir Sheet of 2 Stamps Mint NH The Battle of...
Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Monument Souvenir Sheet Mint NH
Chad Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Monument Souvenir Sheet Mint NH The Siege of Leningrad...
Leaders World War II Soviet Union Alexandre Vassilievski Souvenir Sheet Min
Leaders World War II Germany Alexandre Vassilievski Souvenir Sheet Mint NH World War II (often...
Soviet Uniforms World War II Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH
Soviet Uniforms World War II Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH World War II...
Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Monuments Sov. Sheet of 5 Stamps MNH
Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Monuments Souvenir Sheet of 5 Stamps Mint NH The Siege...
Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH
Chad Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH The Siege...
Benin Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH
Benin Siege of Leningrad Battle Liberation Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH The Siege...
Mozambique Aviation World War II History Souvenir Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II History  Souvenir Sheet MNH During World War II, aviation firmly...
Mozambique Aviation World War II History Sov. Sheet of 6 Stamps MNH
 Mozambique Aviation World War II History  Sov. Sheet of 6 Stamps MNH During World War...
Aviation World War II Yak 9 Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Yak 9 Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II,...
Aviation World War II Airplane Serie Set of 6 Stamps Mint NH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Airplane Serie Set of 6 Stamps Mint NH During World...
Aviation World War II Kawasaki Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Kawasaki Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II, aviation...
Aviation World War II Avro Laneaster Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Avro Laneaster Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II,...
Aviation World War II Northrop Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Northrop Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II, aviation...
Aviation World War II Messerselumitt Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II Messerselumitt Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II, aviation...
Aviation World War II B-29 Superfortress Mini Sov. Sheet MNH
Mozambique Aviation World War II B-29 Superfortress Mini Sov. Sheet MNH During World War II,...
World War II Battles Serie Set of 2 Stamps Mint NH
Guinea World War II Battles Serie Set of 2 Stamps Mint NH World War II...
WW2 Second World War Infantry Military Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps Mint NH
Chad WW2 Second World War Infantry Military Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps Mint NH World...
Sold Out
WW2 Second World War Militar Technique Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH
Chad WW2 Second World War Militar Technique Souvenir Sheet of 6 Stamps Mint NH World...